
Just for Memories...reflections of the past...and maybe a little odds and ends...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Good morning, did I mention my total fear of spiders and snakes? Well Gabbs is in the desert so what do you think that means? Yep, lots of them. GOD knew that I wouldn't survive so I guess He kept them pretty well out of my sight. Except once a year in the early fall when it started getting cold we would be going into town and up ahead you saw this solid black mass crossing the pavement. The tarantulas were coming down from the hills to the valley and as you ran over them there were hundreds of crunches. I'd be screaming for everyone to put their windows up. All I could picture was them flipping into the car from the tires. Vivid imagination huh? I use to think that was the worse thing I've ever seen till someone told me to look up "camel spiders" on the internet. There is no way I'd be going to Iraq. Look it up. You wouldn't go either.
I use to think that GOD should have allowed us to talk to the animals so we could explain to them that we won't hurt them if they don't hurt us, but it seems HE did that once in the garden of Eden and that didn't work out to well. We have rattle snakes were we live and believe me when I go for a walk I keep my eyes open. Vern and I were watching a show on animal planet the other night and this guy in Phonex Arizonia goes out and watches for rattles to save them from being run over by cars when they try to lay on the warm pavement. How nuts is that???? Just let nature take it's coarse I say.
My husband is afraid of bees and I'm not, so I save him from his bees and he saves me from my spiders. Pretty good arrangement ?

Then on top of being afraid of spiders we drive up in front of the school in Gabbs to enroll the kids and there painted on the side of the school is a gigantic tarantula. (The school mascot).
In Gabbs there were two stores, not great, one was filthy . I went in there one day to get a box of Grits and after going through 5 boxes with weavils I wasn't in the mood any more. Plus they had a german shepard who thought the bottom rows needed to be waterd regularly,(I kid you not), so you only had one you could go to. It was like a little mom and pop store. Twice a month you drove 80 miles into Fallon to Safeway. 20 miles of that was dirt road if you went over the mountain instead around through Gabbs. There were two bars and 4 churches. one Assembly of GOD, one Morman, one community and a Catholic Priest came in once a month. There was also no full time doctor. One flew in once a week.

Gabbs is where we met some livelong friends, the Chambers, Leon, Sany, Lavonne and David. He was our pastor. Betty ,Orville, and Billy Bird. After we moved to Redding Ca. They all ended up here also and we went to the same church for years in Palo Cedro. We were known as the Gabbites. haha. Leon has since gone on to be with the Lord. more about him later.

How did we surive living in a place like that you say??? We loved it. But our boss wasn't able to pay us very often so we had to leave. Next Stop Redding California and Rosa-Lou ranch.


Blogger Ca... said...

What a wonderful wedding yesterday! I wish I could say, "I certainly hope I have as much energy as you and Vern when I get to be your age," but, since I will never be your age again, (that's long past) I must say, 'I never had that much energy, at any age!' I don't know how you two do it. The same goes for Rosa and her husband. What great people.
Such a beautiful bride, Kathy was, and her new husband seems to be a 'salt of the earth' sort of guy. And what great musicians they all are. I'd like to be a fly on the wall at one of their practice sessions.
I really enjoyed meeting more of my relatives, although I still have trouble sorting out who is whose. Thanks for the invite. It was great. I hope Kathy liked her gift from her Aunt Donna and me.

October 11, 2009 at 6:37 AM  

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