
Just for Memories...reflections of the past...and maybe a little odds and ends...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In Chesterland while I was in Jr high, I had a friend named Princess Mitchell. She had something wrong with her appearance that made her face look like a caveman. Her hands were always cold. But she had a heart of gold. Very sweet person. However as you can imagine the kids at school were relentless with their teasing. They called her the monkey and I was the monkey keeper because I was her friend. It didn't bother me but made me mad that they didn't even try to get to know her. I've often wondered what ever happened to her. we lost contact when I move away.

What makes people always put down those who are differant? Today Thank GOD it isn't as bad as it was . But there are still bullies in the schools that have to make themselves feel better then others by pushing them around. I went by a school on Cypress Ave last year, late for a doctor apt. and there were three boys surrounding one smaller boy and he was crying. It touched my heart. If I hadn't been late I would have stopped in the office and reported it. I thought about that kid for a long while. How many of these kids are going to have enough ,and one day take their own life or take a gun to school . The teachers have a lot to deal with today but they also need to bring up the topic of consequeces of being a bully.
Joyce Myers says that if you are bullied or controlled as a child it is natural for you to become a bully or a controlling person as an adult. It's a chain reaction. What a sad cycle it becomes.
gotta go for now. bye


Blogger Ca... said...

"...It's a chain reaction..."
Boy, am I lucky! Both my parents and all of my grandparents were stunningly attractive and extremely intelligent! This explains it!

November 17, 2009 at 7:22 AM  
Blogger Gaileyann said...

funny haha. but in your case it was true

November 17, 2009 at 9:10 AM  

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