
Just for Memories...reflections of the past...and maybe a little odds and ends...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

We had a friend named Leon Chambers . We met him and his family, Sandi, Lavonne, and David in Gabbs Nv in 1981. I was in a place where I didn't want to be, and our church in Ca had a big split which left me devastated by so-called Christians. Leon and his family came to the ranch to buy hay for their horses. He was wearing jeans, and tee-shirt ,boots, and a cowboy hat with a little cross on it.

He was very likable, friendly and outgoing. Then I found out he was the preacher at a little church in town. After what I told him about what happened to us he said he didn't come to preach but to buy hay. After that him and his family came to visit us and we hit it off. Pretty soon I decided to try his church. It was an Assembly of GOD.

Leon was like no other preacher I'd ever seen. There were horse correls in town and the Indians would hang out there and some of the cowboys but not really together.
But Leon got out there and got bucked off and fell in the manure and talked to everyone. Pretty soon the Indian famliles starting coming to church. He went on round-ups and got friendly with the ranchers. He wasn't afraid to get dirty He'd go into the bar and sit and have a cola and talk to whoever was there. not just about church but whatever and then if someone asked a spiritual question he'd be there for them. All these things won respect for Christ because he reflected Christ.

Jesus went where the sinners were and so did Leon. He didn't just talk his ministy he lived it. I remember going to their house in the mornings before school and as a family they always held hands and prayed for the day before anyone left.

He was always there for his friends or even strangers. He once brought us a car load of groceries because we had nothing and GOD told, him to.

He had diabetis and when his physical strength left him and he had to start using a wheel-chair he was an inspiration to the rest of us who tried to use excuses why we didn't want to go to church. Then we'd think of Leon, who never wanted to miss. After he went to the hospital you would go to visit him and he'd be in somebody elses room talking to them about the Lord. or just passing the time.

He once said to me that he didn't feel he had accomplished much and I told him he reminded of the song, "Thank You", were the guy goes to heaven and people walk up to him and tell him they were there because of him. and I told him when he got there that is what would happen to him. He went on to be with his (Aba Father) which is what he always called GOD. on Nov 25,1995 at 50 years old.

I thank GOD he was in our lives and that we will see him again someday.


Blogger Shirley said...

That's a beautiful story, Gail, of a beautiful person. Well told!

September 2, 2010 at 9:19 AM  

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