Remember the day of Leave it to Beaver and Father knows best, When the men were the head of the house and was respected by the wives and the kids? The wife always wore her pearls and her dress and an apron and had the meals ready when dad came home and the kids would greet him at the door with hugs and smiles? Was that really real? Did people really act like that?
Things have changed conciderably from those days. The wifes entered the work force when the men went off to war and found out they could do it without the men. So in came divorce and latch key kids. and men with low -self esteem that decided they weren't good enough or responsible enough to be part of a family. The latch key kids had nothing to come home from school to and got bored so they went ouot and found ways to entertain themselves. Mom was busy and dad was out of the picture.
The kids grew up to be hippies that said free love, free sex, do your own thing. and 20 years later became politicians. (OOPS, DID I SAY THAT)? anyway they found a way to make money to run the government by making it legal to grow pot, and you we have lost our freedoms because now it is wrong to offend anyone with our religious Holidays and we can't teach about Jesus in our schools but it's ok to teach the kids that gays getting married is a perfectly normal way of life.
And we wonder why pride and respect in our country and schools is going down the drain. God will honor us if we honor HIM. but that doesn't seem to be happening!!
Way to go, Girl. It would be nice to get back to those times. I grew up with Leave It To Beaver ethics. Mom had dinner ready, we were thrilled when Dad came home from work, we did our homework with our parents' help. I have great memories.
I'll second this day when porn is on in prime time...non channel...
One word comment....TRUE!
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