Do u ever go to town and actually look at the homeless people out there with their little signs on the street corners, or the ones that hang out at the park cause there is no where else to go. Whether it is 110 degrees or 30 degrees. do you really take a look at them or are they invisable? I know I've heard people say," well they are out there cause they want to be, sometimes that's true sometimes not. Especially the way the economy is today. What's really sad is when they have kids and they've no place to go and the shelters are full. Some are just down on their luck, no job, no money . And some are there because of drugs or alcohol. But I know that GOD really does love them and wants to help them, but won't force himself on them.
I have learned that in many cases GOD sends people into our path so that we can help them to. Maybe to pray for them, maybe to talk to them like they are humans and don't have the plague. We had a loved one on the streets 7 years ago that came around when he wasn't drinking but when he was we didn't hear from him for months. Then one night he went to the beach and drank himself to death. Just another homeless statistic. He had people that loved him, but how do u help someone that doesn't want you to. what a sad waste. Everyone of those people have family somewhere but they choose to separate themselves for one reason or another. GOD said He'd gather His children in his protective arms as a hen gathers her chicks but we won't let him. My heart aches for those people because most of them have felt unloved or worthless and don't feel they deserve to be loved. How sad is that? I thank GOD for the shelters and the people that spend their time helping in them. We need to ask ourselves, What can I do?????